Before contacting us, please, see our FAQs below.
You can check your shipments location by entering yourr tracking number in the Tracking & Tracing field. If you have any questions, please call our customer service line at: +48 22 212 28 00 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Our company typically provides next day delivery, however this is not guaranteed in case unpredictable events arise such as snow, accident etc.
Yes, we also provide transport abroad. For more information email us at
Are you an individual or a company? Unfortunately we do not provide transport services to individuals. If you are a company, please fill in an inquiry form at: /en/service-inquiry, which will be forwarded to our sales department and we will get back to you.
Regarding discrepancies in invoicing, please send a specific invoice to the customer center by e-mail:
In case of any problems, you can contact technical support. If you do not find what you are looking for here, or the problem still persists, contact your sales representative directly.
Anyone interested in becoming a part of a dynamic company and willing to work hard stands a chance of being hired.
We are a market leader of logistics and transportation services also outside the borders of Slovak Republic. We are committed to provide comprehensive service from a single resource, while the highest standards of quality are maintained. All of our employees are involved whom we expect the same level of commitment as our customers expect from our company.
If you are interested in the vacancy for a driver, do not hesitate to contact our HR department jobs for carriers and couriers.
Graduates are warmly welcomed! Jobs suitable for graduates are clearly marked; in operations as well as administration we welcome all undergraduates and graduates who specialize in transport and logistics. Are you a graduate who has not found a suitable job in the job market yet? Please send your CV to our HR department In you email please describe accurately what position you are interested in and in which region you would like to work.
The Geis Group grew significantly in 2023 thanks to the breakthrough acquisition and achieved a turnover of EUR 1.89 billion. Despite difficult market conditions, the Slovak part of the Group generated a turnover of almost EUR 83 million. Now the entire group will focus on further deepening the cooperation with Quehenberger Logistics.
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